My Journey Pre-Schooler (3yo-4yo)

Life right now with Charly Roses

This kid. You guys, my Charly Roses is phenomenal. She takes my breath away with her intellect, her beauty, her sense of humour. Even when she is being impossible, I am a little in awe of the human she is becoming. She has outgrown 90% of her clothes, suddenly all long legs and arms. She […]

Pre-Schooler (2yo-3yo)

Where we’re at 21.02.16

This past week was so full and so empty of sleep, it all feels a little distant and full of blank spaces. But I feel like we need an update on where we’re at right now so you don’t all forget me! The next two weeks will be full of posts for you from My […]

Blogging Life My Journey Tangents Toddler (1-2yo)

Momentum is just movement

You know how I work super hard? And how I am always working on 30 things at once? Well, I stopped. I had no choice when my mom fell ill and I had no back up with Charly and Christmas came charging at us out of nowhere – seriously, did anybody else feel it flew […]

Giveaways My Journey Our Winners Reviews Toddler (1-2yo)

Our Watercolour Heart Winner

I loved this beautiful sentiment that Jess from Watercolour Heart shared this week, so I thought I would start with it!

Baby (0-1yo) Blogging Life My Journey Tangents Toddler (1-2yo)

My 16 month old doesn’t sleep & other updates…

The past two weeks have been incredibly stressful and beyond exhausting. It began with me getting sick and then Charly got sick and then her teeth started forcing their way through the gums, leading to an entire week of hours of screaming at a time in the middle of the night. My poor angel has […]

Life My Journey Tangents Toddler (1-2yo)

You Know Charlotte is the Most Beautiful Baby…

Morning all! A somewhat different post today. So I am totally going to be hitting you up for some love. I know that Charlotte Rose is the most beautiful baby… And you know that she is the most beautiful baby… And I know that you know… So maybe you could spare a few moments and […]

Baby (0-1yo) Birth Experiences Learnings My Journey

Our Birth Story: The C-Section (Part One)

And finally here it is, at least part one is, although I am insanely tired and it has taken weeks to get it all down and so I am sure the quality of the writing may be suffering. The focus of this post is the c-section itself (I’ll be posting the recovery part separately) so […]

Baby (0-1yo) My Journey

Charly Bear’s Newborn Shoot

No words required other than thank you Heidi from Portraiture by Heidi for capturing such a precious time for our family.