Product Reviews

We are loving the Little Live Range!

I work closely with the Prima Toys brand through my magazine, Tums 2 Tots Online. They sent Charly a whole range of their toys to review for our Christmas lists this year. We put a lot of thought into what makes it on to our lists, and Prima made it hard this year! So hard […]

Product Reviews

Baby Dove Love

After a month of the sicks, I am finally getting back into the swing of things! And that includes a (slightly late) review and giveaway with Baby Dove. I began working on this a little while ago, and then got all caught up in their underlying message of “Trust your way” and ended up getting […]

Product Reviews

Alilo Honey Bunny Review

Some of you might have noticed I was a little bit impressed by the Kids Emporium event I attended a few months ago… What with my mentioning the event, the attendees, the brand, the owner, the coffee mugs and, of course, the amazing gift I received for Charly, the Alilo Honey Bunny (named Lilo) that […]

Closed Competitions Giveaways Product Reviews

Win with 3rd Kid Creations {Competition Closed}

One of my favourite things about having this blog and Tums 2 Tots, is the amazing talent I come across while doing it. I have a thing about handmade items, as many of you will know; and this amazing small business owner that found me through Tums 2 Tots uses her talent to hand make […]

Giveaways Our Winners Product Reviews

Oh!Boy we have a winner

I love that I have been able to support this very special mommy and her business by sharing her with all of you! Thank you all for showing your love and support for Oh!Boy kids. It means so much to small mom-owned businesses to have the support of other moms. And since this year, everybody […]

Closed Competitions Giveaways Product Reviews

Oh!Boy you can be a WINNER

I have absolutely LOVED working with the brands I have found for my All I want for Christmas series and I am so very happy to hear that you have been showing these awesome people your support. So much so that this special mommy wants to GIVE you things to say thank you! Today’s giveaway […]

Closed Competitions Giveaways Product Reviews

ALL the win with #HuggiesGold {Giveaway Closed}

You’ve probably started seeing information about how you can win with #HuggiesGold and Disney popping up all over the place and I am super excited to add my voice to it. There are certain things you all know about me, like my love of the Huggies brand, my love of ALL the books and my […]

Closed Competitions Giveaways Product Reviews

Behind The Red Door ~ Review {Giveaway Closed}

The incredible talents of others never cease to amaze me. I feel so very grateful that I get to share the gorgeous products and special services I come across through my work and my life. Kirsten is one of those talents and I am so happy to take you behind The Red Door to sneak […]

Giveaways Our Winners Product Reviews

Celebrate the new week with our #BRATZinSA winner

Happy Monday all! Let’s celebrate the new week with our #BRATZinSA winner 🙂

Closed Competitions Giveaways My Journey Product Reviews Toddler (1-2yo)

Win with me and Bratz {Giveaway Closed}

Something strange has happened to me since becoming a girl-mom; I’ve fallen in love with all things pastel, pink, purple and plush and I want all the dolls and ponies – ALL of them! You can roll your eyes all you like; I was a tomboy as a kid, but now my eyes light up […]

Giveaways Our Winners Product Reviews

Winning with Baba Bear

How bizarre that a giveaway can make a person broody… No? Only me? Seeing all the comments, and picturing even littler bubbas than Charly wriggling around in these nappy covers (especially the helicopter), has made me wish I had another littler bubba myself. At only R75 each, I might buy a helicopter in small… You […]

Closed Competitions Giveaways Product Reviews Toddler (1-2yo)

Baba Bear has little bums covered ~ Review {Giveaway Closed}

Today I am doing a review and giveaway that is a little different, because I was swayed by how adorable the product was… Can you even stand it??

My Journey Product Reviews Services Toddler (1-2yo)

Playing Catchup ~ 22/09

Yesterday’s post shared the amazing journey my friend Laverne and I began last week with our South African Sisterhood group on Facebook. As you can likely tell from my absence of late, there has been more than just that project underway. I have so many things happening at the same time, that I thought I […]

Giveaways Our Winners Product Reviews

Rainbow Magic winners & 20% discount

After choosing different birthday boards from Rainbow Magic to share with you all this past week, I have totally fallen in love with them and simply can’t decide which one I should get for Charly’s next birthday… I guess I will have to see what she is loving at that point, because I am not […]

Closed Competitions Giveaways Product Reviews Services

I found a hidden treasure called Rainbow Magic ~ Review {Giveaway Closed}

You know how I adore personalised everything? Well, I found a little corner of the Internet called Rainbow Magic and I instantly wanted to buy all the things!!