It is time to take back my space, and this is the best way I could think of doing it! Pregnant in Cape Town is all grown up and we are now Mother City Millers!
We are now the Mother City Millers

It is time to take back my space, and this is the best way I could think of doing it! Pregnant in Cape Town is all grown up and we are now Mother City Millers!
On 14 October I shared a photo of Charly sleeping on Instagram. There was an instant and unanimous response that at first glance, people thought the photo was of me. I was devastated. Doesn’t seem like a normal response, does it? Yeah, I realised pretty quickly that my self esteem is not what I thought. So, […]
I’ve been crying going through my blog. While most of the stuff I share is raw and real, it is so rare it hurts. I wanted to find a link to share on my ) and I had to go so far back I burst into tears. I’ve lost me. No. That’s not right. I […]
I am incredibly resistant to writing this. I need to though, because I want 2018 to stay where it is – in the past. So I need to unpack it all… Look one last time and let go. 2018 has been full of loss, devastation, heartache, disappointment and unreached goals. It has also held elements […]
I work closely with the Prima Toys brand through my magazine, Tums 2 Tots Online. They sent Charly a whole range of their toys to review for our Christmas lists this year. We put a lot of thought into what makes it on to our lists, and Prima made it hard this year! So hard […]
Can you guys even believe that Charly is heading towards 5 years old?? Ok, I might be jumping ahead, but time seems to be on fast forward this year… So it isn’t too much of a stretch for me to imagine blinking and finding ourselves in February 2019. Living in the future is somewhat necessary […]
There have been some very scary stories and social media posts going around on missing children, child trafficking and people trying to steal kids off the streets or from their mother’s arms. Some of them are very real. And others are completely fake. When I see people sharing false facts around child trafficking or kidnapping, […]
I was recently at the Ford South Africa Driving Skills for Life (DSFL) event to share car seat safety tips. I joined Johan, who was the MasterDrive expert on what to do in a hijacking situation. There were five groups, so I went through the session often enough to have it properly sink in. Like […]
A month and 2 days since I shared what I thought was the worst thing I could share. I had to re-read it now, to try to figure out where to begin. It hurts every inch of my soul to read it, especially knowing how much worse it was going to get. For 6 days, […]
Yesterday morning I was pregnant. This is not the post I am meant to be sharing. Yesterday morning I was preparing to publish “Pregnant in Cape Town (Again)”. I was sharing the crazy amazing story of how unbelievably unlikely the magical little being inside of me happening was. How I woke up on May 14th […]
There are some questions you know you will have to answer as a girl mom… Where do babies come from? What is a period? Why doesn’t (somebody) like me? Each question holds its own fears for me. As someone with incredibly low self esteem, the scariest questions for me are around the concept of being […]
A few of you may have seen or heard me mention a thing I have been working towards since the beginning of last year called #ProjectMe. I was hinting at it already in 2016 when the idea first came to me, when I was suffering from severe burnout after #CarseatFullstop. It began really clarifying itself […]
Not sure when I became the kind of blogger that only writes when I have something specific to say. Remember the good old days when I just blogged all the time about every random thing that caught my attention? I have a daily microblog thing going on on Instagram. You know what I have found? […]
Late last year, life got away from me. I was beyond excited to become a brand ambassador for the Ford Everest through #CarseatFullstop. I was featured on Expresso with the lovely Graeme Richards. I filmed my first video for child safety with Ford. I had an amazing photoshoot with Josie Photography, with Charly showing off […]
What would you do if someone offered you a brand new Baby Bullet? A very lovely someone contacted me a little while ago and did just that… offered me a free Baby Bullet to review and another to give away. Do you know what I did? I said that instead of giving it to me, […]