My Journey Pregnancy Loss

I ran away from me

I’ve been crying going through my blog. While most of the stuff I share is raw and real, it is so rare it hurts. I wanted to find a link to share on my ) and I had to go so far back I burst into tears. I’ve lost me. No. That’s not right. I […]

My Journey Pre-Schooler (3yo-4yo)

Life right now with Charly Roses

This kid. You guys, my Charly Roses is phenomenal. She takes my breath away with her intellect, her beauty, her sense of humour. Even when she is being impossible, I am a little in awe of the human she is becoming. She has outgrown 90% of her clothes, suddenly all long legs and arms. She […]

Life My Journey

Life right now with me

Where to begin even?! Life right now is such a weird mix of emotions and just stuff. Eloquent hey? Best I try that again…