Learnings Lists

Spoil yourself with Superbalist this Black Friday

A few days away from Black Friday! While there is no chance that I will brave any store or mall IRL, I have been stocking up my wishlists on online stores! Why? Because I did an article in about how to stand your best chance of getting everything you want on Black Friday by beating […]

Learnings Lists My Journey

Missing children in South Africa (social media versus the facts)

There have been some very scary stories and social media posts going around on missing children, child trafficking and people trying to steal kids off the streets or from their mother’s arms. Some of them are very real. And others are completely fake. When I see people sharing false facts around child trafficking or kidnapping, […]

#CarseatFullstop Learnings My Journey

Hijacking – how to get yourself and your family out safely

I was recently at the Ford South Africa Driving Skills for Life (DSFL) event to share car seat safety tips. I joined Johan, who was the MasterDrive expert on what to do in a hijacking situation. There were five groups, so I went through the session often enough to have it properly sink in. Like […]

Learnings Tangents

For the mom who did everything right

The first thing I kept thinking after reading the blog post about the mom who did everything right only to have a perfect day that ended in a shattered world, was that I had no words. Those words kept repeating, “I have no words”. I wished with every ounce of my being that I could […]

Lists My Journey Pre-Schooler (2yo-3yo)

Chrismas List for Kids 2016

Making Christmas lists is something I have always loved to do. Moving them online and sharing all my excitement has made them even more special to me. I nearly ran out of time this year!! But I am on a mission, and these are all gifts you MIGHT still have time to get for your […]

Learnings My Journey

Making time instead of finding time

There is a big difference between finding time and making time. If I try to find time for things, especially things I want to do as opposed to need to do, I can never manage it. I have been slowly shifting my mind set on this. Maybe it is because I am re-evaluating what I […]

All I Want for Christmas Lists Series

Best Christmas gifts for grown ups – Part 2

Some days I wonder if I will ever be able to stick to a blog schedule again. I had every intention of finishing this post first thing on Tuesday morning. But then #momlife happened. Anyway, better late than never right? More giveaways to come and make you feel better! Also, if you are feeling like […]

All I Want for Christmas Lists My Favourite Things My Journey

Best Christmas gifts for grown ups – Part 1

I was going to do one for mom and one for dad, but I realized this year there were a lot of crossovers and I have so many friends who are all “gender neutral” is the way forward… and then yes, I am almost out of time and I have SO many awesome things I […]

Blogging Learnings My Journey

Learning to look after me

I am just going to start sharing again. So very very much has happened over the past 4 months. I can’t believe it has been a whole four months. I feel so disappointed in myself for having dropped the ball here, but I am having to let that go. I’m not going to do a […]

Learnings Lists My Journey Pre-Schooler (2yo-3yo)

5 Tips to head off nasty school germs

Why is your kid always sick? Seriously. That question sounds so loaded to me. I get super defensive instantly, cue mom guilt. Because even though I know the answer is school germs, I still feel helpless and like I should be doing something more to keep her well.

Experiences Learnings Life My Journey Tangents

I made it all up

I made it all up. What, you ask? Well all of it. Who I am. What I do. Where I’m at. I made it all up.

Experiences Learnings Life My Journey Tangents Toddler (1-2yo)

The first day of school

Since last week, mommies all over South Africa have watched their babies head off to their first day of school, with tears in our throats and big smiles plastered on our faces. I think the tears are there whether it is the first day of playschool, nursery school, preschool, pre-primary, primary school, high school or […]

Events Experiences Learnings Tangents

Living the #BigLife with Jungle Oats

I got my first event invitation as the Editor In Chief of Tums 2 Tots last week. While I’ve been to my fair share of great events for Pregnant in Cape Town, it was somehow different to go to the Jungle Oats breakfast as a magazine owner, editor and boss lady type. I was nervous […]

Learnings Life Lists My Journey Tangents

Getting to Know Me

A little while ago, Maz from Caffeine and Fairydust (one of my all time favourite people and blogs), tagged me in this chain of “getting to know me” posts. I love reading these and apparently I love writing them too. Since there are more of you now than there were when I started this journey, […]

All I Want for Christmas Learnings Lists Series Toddler (1-2yo)

All I Want for Christmas is the perfect gift for my toddler

When it comes to Christmas, I was born to be a mom. I am ALL about the magic and excitement and the decorating and finding the perfect gift for my toddler. My Christmas list for Charly is literally endless, I add to it every day; every time I see anything that I think she might […]