Breastfeeding Experiences Learnings My Journey Toddler (1-2yo)

The tears and triumphs of weaning my toddler

The past three weeks have been incredibly challenging, but I can officially say that Charlotte is day weaned. Yes, just day weaned. That may not seem like much to some, but it has felt like a huge thing for us in our little world. The tears and triumphs of weaning my toddler have been extreme; […]

Breastfeeding Experiences Learnings My Journey Toddler (1-2yo)

How many times can the mommy heart break?

As I face the week ahead, my heart is heavy and there are tears in my throat. From tomorrow I start a slow journey to weaning my daughter and I feel shattered over it. As I lie here, breastfeeding my 20 month old to sleep at naptime for possibly the last time, I can’t help […]

Series Surrounded by Supermommies

Supermommy 3 ~ Cassey’s Story

Today’s Supermommy is somebody who genuinely does not see herself as any kind of hero. Cassey has been knocked down repeatedly and she just gets up, dusts herself off and tries again. She has a tenacity that awes me. I have known the stories of my chosen Supermommies for quite a long time in some […]

Baby (0-1yo) Blogging Life My Journey Tangents Toddler (1-2yo)

My 16 month old doesn’t sleep & other updates…

The past two weeks have been incredibly stressful and beyond exhausting. It began with me getting sick and then Charly got sick and then her teeth started forcing their way through the gums, leading to an entire week of hours of screaming at a time in the middle of the night. My poor angel has […]

Learnings My Journey Pregnancy Pregnant in ( _ ) Series

Pregnant in (Cape Town) ~ Chatting to Angeliqueca Roux

Today I have a very special interview for you. As mentioned last week, we are chatting with a mommy who was due to have twins… Well, they beat me to print and were born happy and healthy at exactly 35 weeks on Tuesday 9 June! So a million congrats to Angeliqueca and Justin Mcleod Roux […]

Baby (0-1yo) Life My Journey Tangents

Finding My Mommy Instinct

I am feeling so grateful for all the wonderful inspirational mommies in my life. Things are so difficult in my mommy-baby bubble at the moment and watching, reading and hearing about how all of you manage yourselves and your kids through the tough times is what is getting me by – so thank you

Baby (0-1yo) Life My Journey Tangents

One of THOSE Moms & Planning to Schedule

I’ve been avoiding writing because I feel ashamed of how frazzled I have become. It seems no matter how fast I run, I can never quite keep up.

Baby (0-1yo) Breastfeeding My Journey

Breastfeeding – It Isn’t a Choice For Me

Another post written & posted from my phone while Charly feeds (poetically) – so if you read it before I see it on the laptop & can edit it, apologies for spelling & terrible autocorrect errors I have missed.

Birth Learnings Lists My Journey

Excess Baggage

As you all know I created the most comprehensive hospital bag list known to man for Charly’s arrival. This resulted in my taking a small suitcase, a large togbag & an oversized handbag with me to the hospital. I opened each bag only once to get out what I would need & unsurprisingly that was […]

Birth My Journey Pregnancy

8 Weeks To Go & Doctor Dramas Resolved

Happy holidays everyone! As mentioned on my social media (for those of you that follow me there), today is the first day in 2 weeks that I am staying home and not seeing anyone other than my husband & my kitties and so, (finally!) a free moment to do a little writing & catch up […]

Birth My Journey Pregnancy

Wonder, Learning & Decision-Making

I am blown away by technology on so many levels and the 4D scan yesterday was no exception – what an amazing experience! Some of you will have seen the video I posted, which is the perfect example of how 4D scans work. When it begins, the shadows make the image quite terrifying, but after […]