Blogging Challenging Myself Life My Journey Tangents Toddler (1-2yo)

Why I am a distracted parent 

Happy Women’s Day mammas. With today being all about celebrating how women can make a difference, I thought I would share a little bit about where I am on my journey to make a difference to other mammas, and a few other things.

Baby (0-1yo) Breastfeeding Challenging Myself Experiences Learnings Lists My Journey Pregnancy Tangents

6 bare essentials for your baby ~ BabyGroup blog

Most of you will have seen that I am the MOST excited to be a new featured blogger over at the BabyGroup blog.

Challenging Myself Tangents

#Writersbootcampza Day 11 – 1 food. 1 drink. For the rest of my life.

I was going to skip this topic, I even started writing the next one, but in the end I couldn’t do it. To me this is a topic for a food blog, maybe a wine blog talking about the perfect pairing, or perhaps a really awkward first date. I so wish I knew anything about […]

Challenging Myself Tangents

#Writersbootcampza Day 8 – A love letter to my pet hate

Dear Loose & LOSE I know this will come as a shock to you because everything between us has always been perfect, but it is time you leave for good.

Challenging Myself Tangents

#Writersbootcampza Day 5 – My life if I were a Steamfitter’s Helper in New York City

The actual topic for was “Find a job ad in the paper. Write about your life if you had that job.” Let’s be honest, I didn’t go buy the paper. I think it’s worth noting that posts like this should possibly not be up on PICT, so mommies please be patient. I will keep trying […]

Challenging Myself Tangents

 Inspired by art

One (of many) definitions of “Art” is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination“.

Challenging Myself Life Tangents

Even if you know me well, you don’t know this…

I have always wanted to do one of these writing challenges, more to exercise my ability to write on any topic than for the timeline commitments. I particularly like the way this #writersbootcampza has been set up as a community. As a full-time writer, part-time mommy blogger and full-time mommy, the chances of me posting […]