Closed Competitions Giveaways

What would you do if someone offered you a brand new Baby Bullet?

What would you do if someone offered you a brand new Baby Bullet? A very lovely someone contacted me a little while ago and did just that… offered me a free Baby Bullet to review and another to give away. Do you know what I did? I said that instead of giving it to me, […]

My Journey Pre-Schooler (2yo-3yo)

A Charly Update

I thought it was well time that I did a Charly update. Our Charly bug has grown and changed so much over this past few months. There have been some big milestones reached along with all the challenges they bring. But you guys, she is just amazing.

Breastfeeding Experiences Learnings My Journey Toddler (1-2yo)

How many times can the mommy heart break?

As I face the week ahead, my heart is heavy and there are tears in my throat. From tomorrow I start a slow journey to weaning my daughter and I feel shattered over it. As I lie here, breastfeeding my 20 month old to sleep at naptime for possibly the last time, I can’t help […]

Baby (0-1yo) Blogging Life My Journey Tangents Toddler (1-2yo)

My 16 month old doesn’t sleep & other updates…

The past two weeks have been incredibly stressful and beyond exhausting. It began with me getting sick and then Charly got sick and then her teeth started forcing their way through the gums, leading to an entire week of hours of screaming at a time in the middle of the night. My poor angel has […]