My Journey

My way isn’t your way (or your business)

Is there ever a time where you don’t feel like you just fail as a mom? For me, it started right from the beginning and I get a fresh rush of it every other day. I doubt myself as a person, as a mother, constantly. And then, the other day, after a little “all fall […]

Pre-Schooler (2yo-3yo)

Where we’re at 21.02.16

This past week was so full and so empty of sleep, it all feels a little distant and full of blank spaces. But I feel like we need an update on where we’re at right now so you don’t all forget me! The next two weeks will be full of posts for you from My […]

Blogging Life My Journey Tangents Toddler (1-2yo)

Momentum is just movement

You know how I work super hard? And how I am always working on 30 things at once? Well, I stopped. I had no choice when my mom fell ill and I had no back up with Charly and Christmas came charging at us out of nowhere – seriously, did anybody else feel it flew […]

Experiences Learnings My Journey Toddler (1-2yo)

A week of too much

This week has knocked me on my butt, literally at times. I’ve been extremely stubborn and determined about getting back up though, which I feel is progress. Let’s start at the beginning…

Baby (0-1yo) Life My Journey Tangents

Doing Instead of Dreaming

It’s been a while, again, as usual. The good news is I’ve been busy “doing” instead of just thinking or writing about doing. Let’s begin at the beginning then…

My Journey Pregnancy

Pregnancy Paranoia, Darkness & 3 Lights

My emotions are all over the place at the moment. I am hypersensitive to everything from the passing comments of strangers to the absence of comments, to Brett being back at work, to not hearing from friends to feeling too in demand with friends, to excessive noise to too much quiet – the list is […]