Lists My Journey Pre-Schooler (2yo-3yo)

Chrismas List for Kids 2016

Making Christmas lists is something I have always loved to do. Moving them online and sharing all my excitement has made them even more special to me. I nearly ran out of time this year!! But I am on a mission, and these are all gifts you MIGHT still have time to get for your […]

My Journey Pre-Schooler (2yo-3yo) Reviews

Surviving potty training

Potty training is not fun. I have been mostly incredibly blessed, because Charly’s nursery school started the process and my mom manages most of the rest. But there have been stages where we all sat in hysterical tears as well. Why did nobody tell me that surviving potty training is one of the greatest challenges […]

My Journey Pre-Schooler (2yo-3yo)

A Charly Update

I thought it was well time that I did a Charly update. Our Charly bug has grown and changed so much over this past few months. There have been some big milestones reached along with all the challenges they bring. But you guys, she is just amazing.

#CarseatFullstop Closed Competitions Pre-Schooler (2yo-3yo) Reviews

Going back to rearwards-facing with the Volvo Toddler seat

Everybody knows by now that I have been invisible to you guys the past few months because of my car seat campaign #CarseatFullstop. You also know I turned Charly back rearwards-facing. I promised I would tell you all about it and review the Volvo Maxway car seat… So, here we go!

My Journey Pre-Schooler (2yo-3yo)

Anybody else get really mad when their kid gets sick?

Does anybody else get really really mad when their child gets sick? I do. Like really really vein in the forehead throbbing hulk out mad? And the worst part? There’s nobody to be mad at!

My Journey Pre-Schooler (2yo-3yo)

Drowning in Motherhood

Motherhood has been an uphill battle for me for a while now. I have been sharing little explosions of truth on Instagram and Facebook the past month, but I haven’t been able to share it here. I am not quite sure why. I couldn’t even bring myself to write a Mother’s Day post, because I […]

My Journey Pre-Schooler (2yo-3yo)

A note before I say goodnight

Hi lovelies. It has been a bad week. Our angel has yet another school bug, work is hectic, my big project has had to be paused this week with everything else going on, I am behind on everything. So I thought I would leave you a quick note before I pull the covers over my […]

Learnings Lists My Journey Pre-Schooler (2yo-3yo)

5 Tips to head off nasty school germs

Why is your kid always sick? Seriously. That question sounds so loaded to me. I get super defensive instantly, cue mom guilt. Because even though I know the answer is school germs, I still feel helpless and like I should be doing something more to keep her well.

My Journey Pre-Schooler (2yo-3yo) Toddler (1-2yo)

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse birthday party

As the entire Interwebs knows, it was my baby’s second birthday last month!! How even?! Last year I shared Charly’s first birthday party post after the first birthday post, so I decided to split these up too with her birthday post first and the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse party post next. I did not expect it […]

Pre-Schooler (2yo-3yo)

Where we’re at 21.02.16

This past week was so full and so empty of sleep, it all feels a little distant and full of blank spaces. But I feel like we need an update on where we’re at right now so you don’t all forget me! The next two weeks will be full of posts for you from My […]