Reviews Services

Capturing the Christmas Magic with Josie Photography

I know it always seems like I vanish from the earth during the #CarseatFullstop campaign; but now that I am going to be running it year-round (yay!! And so much exciting news on that later) I am going to have to learn to balance it with the rest of my life a bit better. But […]

Reviews Services

Have you heard of Umatie?

When I posted a million years ago, I mentioned that I was trying out Umatie baby and kids food. The fact that my toddler is embracing the terrible twos with every iota of her little being and refusing to eat pretty much anything, means that this review was delayed. By a lot.

Reviews Services

Cleaning House – SweepSouth Review

Most of you know I have had a very rough few weeks. With Miss C being sick and then me being sick and then the huge backlog of work that results from being sick, plus the endless public holidays – these are NOT welcome when you run your own businesses – and C’s bizarre behaviour […]

Reviews Services

Preggi Bellies & PICT team up for Pregnancy Awareness Week

As some of you might be aware, February is host to pregnancy awareness week. The purpose of this week is to promote and share knowledge on the importance of proper prenatal care and how to best have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. With that in mind, I have teamed up with Preggi Bellies […]

My Journey Pregnancy Reviews Services

The moment you meet your baby

One of my favourite experiences from my pregnancy was the 4D scan; it is also one of the things I recommend to any new parents to be. So when Melanie Reyneke from Peek-A-Babe approached me about sharing her business with you all, I was definitely on board. I agreed to do a promotional Facebook post […]

My Journey Product Reviews Services Toddler (1-2yo)

Playing Catchup ~ 22/09

Yesterday’s post shared the amazing journey my friend Laverne and I began last week with our South African Sisterhood group on Facebook. As you can likely tell from my absence of late, there has been more than just that project underway. I have so many things happening at the same time, that I thought I […]

Closed Competitions Giveaways Product Reviews Services

I found a hidden treasure called Rainbow Magic ~ Review {Giveaway Closed}

You know how I adore personalised everything? Well, I found a little corner of the Internet called Rainbow Magic and I instantly wanted to buy all the things!!

Giveaways Our Winners Product Reviews Services

Did you win free books for your little one?

I’m actually quite sad this giveaway is over. Getting kids reading and loving books is something I am passionate about and The Book Owl is such an amazing way to support that.

Closed Competitions Giveaways Product Reviews Services

The Book Owl Review {Giveaway Closed}

A short while ago I heard about an amazing kiddies book service called The Book Owl from the amazing Cassey (whose name you might recognise from here). We share a love for books and reading and a plan for passing on that love to our kids; which seems to be working really well so far […]

Giveaways My Journey Our Winners Reviews Services

Winning with Mummy Massage

So, I got my Mummy Massage and was as blown away as the first time. This time I even extended it to a 90 minute one and I felt like I had died and gone to heaven (You can read my thoughts on massage here).

Breastfeeding Closed Competitions Giveaways My Journey Reviews Services Toddler (1-2yo)

I need a massage ~ don’t you? Mummy Massage Review {Giveaway Closed}

I need a massage. For real, I’m not even using that as a fake lead in. If you were online this weekend, then you may have seen me post about what I am up to at the moment; and if you read that, you will know that I mean it with all my heart – […]

Closed Competitions Giveaways Reviews Services

Watercolour Heart ~ A Review {Giveaway Closed}

A few weeks ago I received the sweetest email from Jessica Antoinette Doré, introducing herself and her new business to me. She was so sincere and so excited to share her gift with you all that I was instantly won over.

Closed Competitions Giveaways Product Reviews Services Toddler (1-2yo)

Sprout Kids’ Food ~ Review {Giveaway Closed}

One of my goals for this year was to cook one new thing a month. Although I haven’t managed one a month, I’ve had bursts of time where I have done a few new recipes in a single month and then none again for ages. The tentative plan to start recipe posts is facing the […]

Giveaways Our Winners Services

Who won with My Baby Registry?

Happy Monday Mommas and Mommas-to-be!

Giveaways Our Winners Reviews Services

Who Won 3 Hours Me-Time?

You guys, after the last week I cannot WAIT to get Leebee in to give me some quiet time with Brett. This baby-toddler transition plus cutting 6 teeth is a bit too much! Anyway… One of you will be feeling the same anticipation for a breather, knowing your babies are in safe hands, in a […]