My Journey Pregnancy

Here we go…

So! Here we go… At 6 weeks pregnant I was very frustrated (as I am by most everything right now) by the lack of easily accessible resources and information on pregnancy and all things related to pregnancy specific to Cape Town. After hours of sifting through loads of mostly irrelevant information, I decided I wanted to create a space where anyone pregnant in Cape Town could go to find shared experiences, all relevant resources and information in one place. (2018 Spoiler alert, that didn’t happen).

As a writer, I have wanted to blog for years (and I have indeed started and deleted many) but I have always been “too busy”… What better reason to truly give it a go than diarising my first pregnancy. So, Pregnant in Cape Town will be my open pregnancy diary, where I will share all the craziness that is happening in my life and to my body.

Here we go - Pregnant in Cape Town

Definitely pregnant!

I was speaking to one of my closest friends a few days ago who is mommy of an (almost) 10 month old. She mentioned how she had nobody to share her pregnancy experiences with in her immediate circle, having no friends or family pregnant with her or close to her. I am very blessed in that 4 of my 5 bridesmaids (I was married in May 2013) have had babies in the past 15 months. I was there through all 4 pregnancies, have heard all the stories good and bad of pregnancy and labour. There were 2 boys and 2 girls born 2 months apart; 2 relatively easy pregnancies, 2 very trying pregnancies; 2 C-sections, 2 natural births… you get the idea. I also want to use this site to share those stories and the things these wonderful women, and many others, have experienced. I will interview and write articles, feature other writers and so forth, so that we can all learn and maybe find some insight or strength in these stories.

I want to share all things pregnancy in Cape Town… Hospitals, doctors, pre-natal classes, pregnancy yoga and exercise classes, maternity clothing (Where have all the maternity stores gone?! Even stores like Woollies and Edgars no longer stock maternity wear!! I am tired of trying to squish my already-expanding belly into regular clothes, I end up a sobbing mess in the ladies changing rooms in every store I enter!) What books to read, the best stores to buy things in preparation for baby, baby furniture… The list is near endless and I want it ALL in one place.

I also want it all now, immediately… But it is going to take time, so for now I will keep doing my research and collecting my information and writing my story.

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