My Journey Pre-Schooler (3yo-4yo)

Surviving the holidays with a toddler

While these holidays certainly aren’t my first rodeo, I have come to accept that holidays when you are a work-at-home mom are rough. I am incredibly lucky to have my mom as back-up, who spoils Charly with sleepovers and keeps her happily occupied most of the day. BUT! I chose to work from home so […]

My Journey Toddler (1-2yo)

The terrible twos are here

I know, I know, focus on the good things; and I do with Charly because watching how she learns and absorbs things and grows and changes every single day is astounding to me. But. There are definite without-a-doubt terrible twos happenings going down here.

Experiences Learnings Life My Journey Tangents Toddler (1-2yo)

The first day of school

Since last week, mommies all over South Africa have watched their babies head off to their first day of school, with tears in our throats and big smiles plastered on our faces. I think the tears are there whether it is the first day of playschool, nursery school, preschool, pre-primary, primary school, high school or […]

Blogging Life My Journey Tangents Toddler (1-2yo)

The week that was

The week that was, was really really hard. Charly has started doing this awful hysterical crying thing when she wakes from her naps that scare me half to death; work just seemed to pile higher and higher no matter how much I worked, bills are competing with that work pile, and I am facing Christmas […]

My Journey Toddler (1-2yo)

“Normal” Toddler behaviour (send the wine!)

I’ve been very focused on all the happies, on Christmas shopping and amazing giveaways and celebrating the new adventures I’m embarking on and the relationships I have found and the gorgeous events I have attended. What I haven’t talked about is the reality of my mom life swirling around all of that, so I thought […]

All I Want for Christmas Learnings Lists Series Toddler (1-2yo)

All I Want for Christmas is the perfect gift for my toddler

When it comes to Christmas, I was born to be a mom. I am ALL about the magic and excitement and the decorating and finding the perfect gift for my toddler. My Christmas list for Charly is literally endless, I add to it every day; every time I see anything that I think she might […]

Experiences Learnings Lists My Journey Toddler (1-2yo)

65 Questions to ask your child’s new school

As most of you know, I have suddenly realised I am behind in the whole finding a school thing. I jumped hastily onto the bandwagon and started reading up on schools, getting suggestions and feedback from friends and family, and my head started spinning.

Breastfeeding Learnings Lists My Journey Toddler (1-2yo)

5 Ways to keep warm using your toddler

This feels like the coldest winter we’ve ever had; but I’m pretty sure I say that every year. I actually love winter; I like having a legitimate reason to work in my pjs under piles of duvets and never leave the house. But omg the cold; not even blankets, heaters and hot water bottles are […]