My Journey

Why January has been relegated to 2017 (and where we’ve been)

Late last year, life got away from me. I was beyond excited to become a brand ambassador for the Ford Everest through #CarseatFullstop. I was featured on Expresso with the lovely Graeme Richards. I filmed my first video for child safety with Ford. I had an amazing photoshoot with Josie Photography, with Charly showing off […]

Giveaways Our Winners Product Reviews Services

Did you win free books for your little one?

I’m actually quite sad this giveaway is over. Getting kids reading and loving books is something I am passionate about and The Book Owl is such an amazing way to support that.

Learnings Lists My Journey Pregnancy Reviews

Recommended Reading for Pregnancy

Many of you will have been told not to read too much about pregnancy so as not to “scare you” or “put thoughts in your mind” as I prefer to call it. While still others of you will have been told to read everything you can get your hands on to prepare yourself for what […]