My Journey Pre-Schooler (2yo-3yo) Reviews

Surviving potty training

Potty training is not fun. I have been mostly incredibly blessed, because Charly’s nursery school started the process and my mom manages most of the rest. But there have been stages where we all sat in hysterical tears as well. Why did nobody tell me that surviving potty training is one of the greatest challenges […]

My Journey Pre-Schooler (2yo-3yo)

A Charly Update

I thought it was well time that I did a Charly update. Our Charly bug has grown and changed so much over this past few months. There have been some big milestones reached along with all the challenges they bring. But you guys, she is just amazing.

Closed Competitions Giveaways Product Reviews Toddler (1-2yo)

Baba Bear has little bums covered ~ Review {Giveaway Closed}

Today I am doing a review and giveaway that is a little different, because I was swayed by how adorable the product was… Can you even stand it??