Birth My Journey Pregnancy

Going With It

I was going to incorporate this into my final post, but then I ended up writing the beginning of a whole different summary post to end this “pregnancy chapter” of Pregnant in Cape Town. For those who have wondered, I still intend to blog on PICT and remain active on Social Media in that name […]

My Journey Pregnancy

Charly’s Nursery & Preparing For Goodbyes

**The photos of the room do it no justice at all! There is a lot more light & brightness than caught by these cameras. Our newborn shoot will happen here, so there will be some great shots compliments of Portraiture by Heidi the week after Charly is born.**

Learnings Lists My Journey Pregnancy

My Bags Are Packed & Ready To Go…

There are literally hundreds of lists available online and in books and magazines telling you what to pack for you and your new baby for your hospital stay. And yet, I found that no 2 lists had the same information, so all of them were missing something! It drove me mad & so I did […]

My Journey Pregnancy

Pain & Productivity – An Up and Down Week

People lie. Everyone says pregnancy gets “uncomfortable” in the last trimester; there is a big difference between uncomfortable and painful. Everything hurts most of the time – my belly hurts from my beautiful baby doing her gymnastics; my arms, legs, hands and feet are constantly swollen and achy; I’ve had pins and needles in my […]

My Journey Pregnancy

Struggling As Birth Approaches

I am struggling to write again, unable to quite put how I am feeling into words. I have been unusually down this past week, and only managed to have 2 productive work days – though I managed to nail 5 articles over those 2 days due to using the other days for research.

My Journey Pregnancy

Pregnancy Paranoia, Darkness & 3 Lights

My emotions are all over the place at the moment. I am hypersensitive to everything from the passing comments of strangers to the absence of comments, to Brett being back at work, to not hearing from friends to feeling too in demand with friends, to excessive noise to too much quiet – the list is […]

Learnings Lists My Journey Pregnancy Reviews

Recommended Reading for Pregnancy

Many of you will have been told not to read too much about pregnancy so as not to “scare you” or “put thoughts in your mind” as I prefer to call it. While still others of you will have been told to read everything you can get your hands on to prepare yourself for what […]

Birth My Journey Pregnancy

8 Weeks To Go & Doctor Dramas Resolved

Happy holidays everyone! As mentioned on my social media (for those of you that follow me there), today is the first day in 2 weeks that I am staying home and not seeing anyone other than my husband & my kitties and so, (finally!) a free moment to do a little writing & catch up […]

Learnings Lists My Journey Pregnancy

Five Things You Should Never Say To A Pregnant Woman

As promised, a post on things you should never EVER say to a pregnant woman. As you may have gathered, these things have either been said to me or to someone I know in the recent past and with a lot of restraint I have managed to refrain from direct physical attack… thus far. So […]

My Journey Pregnancy

Pampers, Parties & Pictures

I pampered myself a lot the week before last. Starting with the lovely Venetia Isaacs who runs a professional mobile therapy service who came to do my eyebrows & eyelashes; I then had the amazing Nelia de Andrade (also a mobile beauty therapist) come and do a mani-pedi, using bright Watermelon nailpolish that I am […]

Events My Journey Pregnancy Tangents

Dudes to Dads Event

This one goes out to the daddies and daddies-to-be! As mentioned in yesterday’s post, I discovered what looks to be an awesome event for dads at my last antenatal class and as promised, see above the flyer for the next event happening in Town on 11 December.

My Journey Pregnancy

Pillow Nests, Postnatal Distress & Dudes to Dads

Pregnancy is exhausting. As I enter the third trimester, Charly has grown big enough that she is occupying the majority of my insides, meaning all my organs are permanently squished up at the top. This in turn means that my stomach is squished – so I always feel over-full even though I am starving (leaving […]

Breastfeeding Learnings My Journey Pregnancy

Breastfeeding 101 – some fears allayed

As mentioned in yesterday’s post, a few key points stuck with me after antenatal class on Tuesday evening with regards to breastfeeding. I have had more friends who did not manage to breastfeed successfully for a variety of reasons than those that did manage it, and so I have witnessed the heartache and unjustified sense […]

Birth My Journey Pregnancy

Wonder, Learning & Decision-Making

I am blown away by technology on so many levels and the 4D scan yesterday was no exception – what an amazing experience! Some of you will have seen the video I posted, which is the perfect example of how 4D scans work. When it begins, the shadows make the image quite terrifying, but after […]

Birth My Journey Pregnancy

Downs, Ups & Antenatal Classes

As mentioned on social media, the past couple of weeks has been rough. A combination of our little girl growing like crazy and the stress that is putting on my body, with the Summer heat kicking in and insomnia mixed with heartburn and nausea, is taking its toll. I am also having to face some […]