Life Tangents

10 Things That Make Me Happy

This post is actually in response to an Instagram chain that I was tagged in a few times, so I thought it would be easier to do here – it will allow for more photos and I can refer back to it if anyone tags me again 🙂 Anybody who would like to pick up the gauntlet on their blogs, be sure to tag me on Twitter or Instagram so I can read yours too!

1. This face. My baby girl.

Charlotte Rose, most often known as Charly was born on 10 February 2014 at 08h40 by c-section at Constantiaberg Hospital in Plumstead, Cape Town. She weighed 3.19 kgs & went home a teensy tiny 2.9 kgs. She is the best thing we have ever done.

2. This man. My husband. My love.

We were married on 3 May 2013 on our 7 year anniversary. We met at a small poker tournament in Newlands and played poker in Las Vegas on our honeymoon to celebrate this. Marrying him was the easiest decision I ever made.

3. Getting to have my mommy here 4 days a week to help with Charly

I have always been very close to my parents; even when I lived at home I would phone my mom at work to chat when I got home from Varsity. I am so blessed to have her here helping me raise my baby.

4. Seeing my daddy holding my daughter

We nearly lost my dad to lymphoma when I was 10 years old. I feel pure happiness when I watch him with Charly or Chloe because if life had gone in another direction, it may never have happened.

5. Spending time with my beautiful baby sister

I adore my baby sister; for most of our lives we’ve been best friends, even more so since we’ve become “grown ups”. She is such an incredibly warm, loving, funny, talented, awesome human being and there are very few people who can make me laugh as hard as she can. Time with her is an incredible gift.

6. My niece Chloe Grace Fowler

My beautiful beanie baby was born on the 8th of August 2012 and she changed my whole world. There are no words that can describe how I felt about her from the first second I saw her, I just knew I had never felt that way before. She is such a little character and has the most amazing sense of humour. Every second with her fills me with joy.

7. My bridesmaids

These ladies are more than just friends. They each hold such special places in my heart. They were my bridesmaids because each of them helped me grow into the woman I was on the day I was married and without them, it’s unlikely I ever would have got there. Each of them complete me in some primal way and I am completely at peace and happy whenever I can be where they are.

8. Pregnant In Cape Town

This blog, my Twitter and Facebook communities, and the friends I’ve made through it make me exceptionally proud and happy. The ability to share my thoughts and experiences through my writing also makes me very happy.

9. Other than my special people, of whom there are too many to mention in this list, books make me happy.

Not that I have had a chance to read since having Charly, but one day I will again. And although I am a “techie” in some ways and own a Kindle and an iPad, I love actual books and collect a variety of authors and genres. I am seldom happier than when wandering around a second hand bookstore.

10. TV Series. My favourite thing to do is curl up in bed with Brett, with Charly asleep in my arms, and watch back to back episodes of a favourite series. I have been known to get through entire seasons in a matter of weeks. I love to escape into stories of most genres. This week I’m celebrating the return of Big Bang Theory, New Girl & The Mindy Project and I am busy rewatching the early seasons of The Good Wife with Brett who had never seen it before!

And that’s a wrap! It only took me two weeks to write 🙂 I still have another four posts in draft and I have promised the awesome @nabster1412 I will do a “20 facts about you” chain (which I’m also doing as a blog post instead of an Instagram post because I can).

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